The Animal House Rescue
How to Help The Animal House Rescue

At The Animal House Rescue we prioritise your privacy and are fully compliant with GDPR regulations. Any personal information you provide, whether for adoptions, donations, or volunteering, is handled securely and transparently.
You have full rights to access, modify, or request deletion of your data at any time.
Become a foster carer
The Animal House Rescue doesnt have kennels, instead we have a network of local foster carers. Our foster carers open up their hearts and homes to animals, that are homeless through no fault of their own. Without our foster homes we would not be able to help as many animals that we do.
It is the most amazing feeling in the world to see an animal that has come in bewildered and scared, to work with them through the traumas and then to see them go off to their furever homes to begin a lifetime of love.
Foster carers are an important part of our rescue network and we are forever gratetful for their help. If you feel this is something for you, please click on the button below and complete our application form
Donate unwanted items
The Animal House Rescue are always looking for new or nearly new items that can be used in our fundraising activities. We can always make use of the following items:
Single toiletry items or gift sets.
Jewellery & Watches
Gift Vouchers
Wines & Spirits
Chocolates & Sweets
Cuddly Toys
Childrens Games & Toys
Original DVDs & CDs (no pirate copies)
Click the button below to email us with details of what you have to donate.